Medical Concierge


The medical concierge is a kind of conductor. He improves connection between patient and doctor. NOVA Assistance provides round-the-clock informational support for tourists, organize medical care abroad and being such a «connector». The international network of partner hospitals allows us to find the competent doctor in a short time. Otherwise, looking for a doctor on his own tourist loses his time and money.

We will not leave you abroad alone with your problem. Every insured tourist has round-the-clock access to information about the provision of medical care anywhere in the world. Consultation is carried out directly by our experts with medical education. So, you can always dial the number of the NOVA Assistance service center and request for assistance: +373 22 994 955

What are the most frequent questions?

– questions regarding coverage of the case.

– specificity of treatment and stay in a particular country.

– required vaccinations.

– vaccinations recommended for staying in a particular region of the world.

– clinics, hospitals and doctors who are in the area of residence of the tourist.

– specificity of medical care for children.

– another questions regarding health and insurance

Nova Assistance

Why you need medical concierge?

In addition to the services above, NOVA Assistance operators will always be your indispensable translator if the doctor doesn’t speak your native language. Our employees are fluent in several international languages, including English, Russian, German, Turkish, Romanian. It allows us to establish undistracted communication between the doctor and patient.

The medical concierge is responsible for all organizational matters related to your diagnosis and treatment. He has extensive information regarding clinics and doctors in each individual region. Based on our experience, we know exactly which clinic and doctor is best to refer the patient to. After all, the organization of medical care, for example, in Egypt and Thailand is different. So one needs an essential knowledge to make the right decision.

Entrust the organization of medical care to professionals and let yourself feel protected!